Coolaroo South Kindergarten
The kindergarten offers a play based program that values diversity and provides enriching experiences that allow each child to develop to their fullest potential.
The kindergarten program allows children to learn in a nurturing, safe and stimulating environment that:
- Develops physical skills and social interaction
- Promotes positive self image, confidence, independence and intellectual development
Children participate in a variety of small and large group activities including: drawing, pasting, construction, stories, singing, dancing, drama, puzzles, painting, outdoor play and imaginative and sensory activities.
Children are involved in an intensive School Transition Program and have access to the Coolaroo South Primary school facilities.
Coolaroo South Primary School
Principal: Karen Nicholls
Bushfield Crescent Coolaroo
Victoria 3048
P.O BOX 183
Ph: (03) 9309 1664
Fax: (03) 9302 2191
Coolaroo South Kindergarten
Contact: Tracey Jones
Ph: (03) 9309 4881
Fax: (03) 9302 2191