Ph: 9309 1664
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Writers' Festival

This year’s theme for the Writers’ Festival is ‘The Last Tale: stories of fantasy, magic and imagination’. This will be the 10th and final Writers Festival at Coolaroo South Primary School! In the lead up to the festival, students participated in the Writers' Festival Master Class with special guest Elizabeth Bromley to create their own book.

Join us on Tuesday, August 28th for the official launch. We are looking forward to sharing our writing with you.

Watch Maria Vamvakinou MP's speech in parliment about our Writers' Festival here:

Coolaroo South Primary School
Principal: Karen Nicholls
Bushfield Crescent Coolaroo 
Victoria 3048

P.O BOX 183

Ph: (03) 9309 1664
Fax: (03) 9302 2191

Coolaroo South Kindergarten
Contact: Lauren McKelvie

Ph: (03) 9309 4881
Fax: (03) 9302 2191

